Benefits of Sleeping Early! 

‘Morning shows morning. He did not steal the medicine.’ More than a thousand years ago, the eccentric astronomer and philosopher Khanna said this. Although we often refer to Benjamin Franklin’s quote – Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise – to encourage us to go to bed early at night and wake up early in the morning. But Khana gave this important concept of good health hundreds of years before the birth of Benjamin Franklin.

Change of life constantly!

Modern inventions in science and technology have made our lives much easier in many ways. It has also changed our way of life little by little. As a result, we have become accustomed to many undesirable lifestyles with time.


Waking up to the morning light in the eastern sky was a common part of our ancestors’ traditional lifestyle. But in many of our lives it is no longer important. But this practice is beneficial for us. Staying awake at night increases the health risk

Being late for an urgent task or waking up at night can happen rarely. But for those who wake up day after day, most of the time it happens for no reason. Those who spend the night flipping through different channels on TV, maintaining ‘social communication’ on Facebook-internet and taking advantage of the opportunity to talk almost for free all night long on mobile phones. They are only increasing their health risks. you

Engaging in entertainment at night increases your risk of heart attack, diabetes, obesity and even cancer.

The bad side of waking up late in different studies!

An important research report was presented at the 58th Annual Conference of the American College of Cardiology. It said that people who wake up at night or go to sleep often past midnight, the dilatation of blood vessels in their heart is reduced and they are at risk of premature heart attack. A March 2009 report titled ‘Night owls may face higher heart risk’ appeared in ABC News.

Also, those who have the habit of watching TV at night or watching new movies early in the morning, it can be seen that they get used to eating various delicious snacks at that time to satisfy their hunger. And there is a risk of increasing body weight and harmful cholesterol in the blood.

Scientists have found evidence of cancer-risk with night waking. Researcher Jonny Hansen of the Danish Cancer Society’s Institute of Cancer Epidemiology conducted a study of 18,500 women, all of whom served in the Danish army from 1994 to 1999. In the results of the research, Hansen said, they often had to work the night shift. It was later found that their risk of developing breast cancer increased four times compared to others.

One of the health risks associated with waking up at night is that it disrupts the body’s natural circadian rhythm and disrupts the flow of certain hormones, including melatonin and cortisol.

What happens if the day starts late?

Does your day start late? Often think of getting up early in the morning, but the habit of turning off the alarm and rolling around lazily? Then, when going to school-college or office, get up a little earlier, put something in your nose and mouth and say ‘de chute’, then enter the class or office panting? Is this your daily occurrence?

What do scientists say about sleep? 

Scientists say, your day starts with the ‘fight or flight response’. This rush to reach the destination on time increases the stimulation of your sympathetic nervous system. As a result, stress is created in you at the beginning of the day. And it definitely affects your performance. People who start the day late, because of this stress, they may be less able to control emotional stress and balance. A June 2013 online medical journal ‘Health Today’ published a research report – Life extremes: Early birds vs night owls.

Various studies!

In this study, two groups of people aged 17 to 38 and 59 to 79 years of age were tested, among whom were two types of volunteers, early risers and late risers. Among the two, early risers were more balanced and relatively happier in any emotional response, the report said.

Let the day begin with the morning light.

University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine founder and director Professor Dr. Andrew Wells. In 2012, he conducted a study on 1,068 men and women. He presented the results of this research at a seminar of the British Psychological Society.

According to the report, those who go to bed early at night and wake up early in the morning are happier and healthier than others. Their weight is also under control.

More research on sleep! 

Not only that, a study by the University of Texas in 2008 found that people who get up early in the morning are more productive than others. And among the students who have this habit, they have passed relatively good grades in the exam results. And their minds are always full of joy and optimism. On the other hand, people who wake up late often suffer from depression, pessimism and sometimes nervousness.

Christoph Randler, a biologist at the University of Heidelberg in Ohio, said that those who start the day with the silence of the morning, they can lead to the solution of life’s problems relatively quickly. They are very proactive, optimistic and determined.

Scientists say, your day starts with the ‘fight or flight response’. This rush to reach the destination on time increases the stimulation of your sympathetic nervous system. As a result, stress is created in you at the beginning of the day. And it definitely affects your performance. People who start the day late, because of this stress, they may be less able to control emotional stress and balance. A June 2013 online medical journal ‘Health Today’ published a research report – Life extremes: Early birds vs night owls.

How can you sleep early!

At the end of a busy day, go to bed early without waking up unnecessarily. Have a good sleep. It will be easier to wake up in the morning. 

May your day begin with the Prothom-alo of the morning. Waking up early in the morning will be easier when you know why you get up, what to do. So make a plan of action for the day, and repeat it in your mind again and again. You can too.

Those who wake up early in the morning get enough time for meditation, pranayama, walking and exercise. A constant feeling of happiness is their constant companion throughout the day. Naturally they become possessed of good health.

Breakfast is very important in daily diet. But those who wake up late, it can be said that they are deprived of this in a hurry. But a good and filling breakfast in the morning will give you energy for the whole day.

By starting the day early in the morning, you will get a lot of time, you can do the work properly. The quality of work will also be good. You will get extra time for work planning according to the importance of work. At the end of the day, you will see that the amount of work you have done is also high. And you will be free from the aggression of stress as you will be able to organize all the work slowly.

Everything is known, and why the delay? May your day start with morning light from tomorrow. May the whole day be filled with laughter, joy and gratitude to God.

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